Our Physicians at Optimal Healthcare

Meet the Physicians

We’re delighted to introduce you to our amazing Cayman Islands Physicians. We’ve organised them here by both their overarching specialty and by subspecialty area to ensure that you can easily identify which physician does what and thus who may be able to best help you.



Dr Sara Watkin

Dr Sara Watkin

MB ChB, MRCP (paeds), FRCPCH, MD

Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist with over 30 years’ experience.

Dr Sara Watkin

Dr Sara Watkin

MB ChB, MRCP (paeds), FRCPCH, MD

Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist with over 30 years’ experience.

Appointing Cayman Islands Physicians

Like any industry, medicine attracts a wide variety of individuals with many and varied experiences. Physicians want to move to the Cayman Islands for many reasons and we feel it is important to bring those most suited and beneficial for the Cayman Islands, those motivated by the right reasons, and with the very best training, skills and career experiences humanly possible. So, what is our appointment philosophy?

  • Appoint those that will be the best person in the room (by training, skills and experience)
  • Ensure they are motivated by doing the very best for patients, rather than personal reward
  • Find those that embody our values in every sense
  • Never, ever just put a ‘bottom on a seat’

This is what we consider to be an ‘Optimal’ Physician, and this is what you can expect from our team. We promise to never compromise or abandon this philosophy, even when it means waiting and waiting to find the right person. If we are what we eat, then as a healthcare provider, we are who we appoint!

Physician about to listen to the heart of a patient

What Our Patients are Saying About Us