Testimonials & Feedback

The Essence of Optimal

We just love these two recent pieces of feedback because they reflect exactly what we strive for every day, all day, come rain or shine.

Guide to our feedback and testimonials

All patients are sent a request for feedback immediately on conclusion of their visit. It’s sent automatically by our electronic patient record and so there is no personal selection. The results you see below are for everybody that completed feedback, with no deletions or alterations.
  • On a scale of 0 (terrible) to 10 (fantastic), how did your doctor do? 95% 95%
  • On a scale of 0 (not at all likely) to 10 (extremely likely), how likely are you to recommend us to family, a friend or colleague? 97% 97%

Patient & Parent Testimonials

The only amendment we have done is to remove any real names to ensure patient confidentiality. Everything else is as said.

Guide to Booking an Appointment

We like to make life easy, so you have many ways, depending on your preference.

Use the Virtual Assistant in the bottom right corner, on any page

Use the Book Appointment button anywhere on the site

Go to a Physician page and use the Book Appointment button

Submit an Appointment Request Form on a Physician’s page and let us do the rest

Call us on
(345) 745 7070 in working hours

Email us on team@optimal.ky