School Health Checks

School Health Checks in the Cayman Islands are Mandatory

In the Cayman Islands, it is mandatory for all school children to undergo health checks when entering school for the first time – the School Entry Screening Program. This covers children from Kindergarten or Reception through to Year 11, in both Government and Private Schools.

Besides obviously assessing a child’s health overall, the school health checks are also about supporting school children or students to achieve their full potential academically, socially, and physically, as well as making sure immunizations are up-to-date.

These checks can be performed by either a Private Paediatrician or through the public health department.


Diverse group of school students all of whom will have had a School Health Check
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How to Book our School Health Checks Service

We like to make life easy and so choose your favourite method!

Use the Virtual Assistant in the bottom right corner, on any page

Use the Book Appointment button anywhere on the site

Go to a Physician page and use the Book Appointment button

Submit a School Check Request Form at the bottom of this page

Call us on
(345) 745 7070 in working hours

Email us on

Why Optimal and Dr Sara Watkin for School Health Checks?

Dr Sara has been conducting a School Health Checks Service in Cayman for 8 years, and health, well child and development assessments across a career that includes 30 years at consultant level. Experience matters… and we believe that experience adds up to around 500 successful school health checks in the Cayman Islands alone.


Really Knows the Process


Many Hundreds Completed


Huge Assessment Experience


Highly Efficient Service


Extremely Thorough


Calm & Reassuring


Ask Any Additional Questions


Vaccine Advice & Guidance


Timeliness & Efficiency

Understanding School Health Checks in Cayman Islands

What’s Assessed in the School Health Check?

Our School Health Checks Service is based on comprehensively addressing the requirements laid out by Public Health. It includes as standard:

  • Vaccination review
  • Detailed medical history
  • Thorough physical examination
  • Series of screening tests, including for both hearing and vision
  • Review of growth and development

School Health Check Physical Examination

The physical examination covers the following:

  • Height & weight
  • Skin
  • Nose
  • Mouth & throat
  • Eyes & ears
  • Speech
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Respiratory system
  • Genito-urinary system
  • Central nervous system
  • Musculoskeletal system
  • Additional diseases & conditions

Some FAQs on School Health Checks

Mandatory for Whom?

School Health Checks are required for all children enrolling in Cayman Islands Government schools for the first time and for children in private schools either when they enter Kindergarten/ Reception/ Pre K4 or move to Cayman at an older age. 

When do they need to be done by?

Children are not allowed to start school without them, so it is important to complete the process ahead of Government School Student Orientation, which in 2024 is on August 27th, but don’t leave it too late!

Who can conduct the school checks?

Both private paediatricians and public health can conduct the checks but all must use the same School Health Screening Form provided by Public Health (beware of any check that doesn’t appear to be using this as it will not result in issuance of a certificate?

How long does the school health check take?

It can obviously vary from child to child and depending on what needs discussing. These assessments are an important part of ensuring your child thrives generally and at school specifically to it shouldn’t be rushed. Ours typically takes around 45 minutes between paediatrician, nurses and other tests. 

NOTE: When you book online, it will say 30 minutes as this relates to the paediatrician component, but you can plan for 45 minutes.

What happens after the school health check?

The specific form is submitted to Public Health, who then issue the Health Screening Certificate.

What do I need to do with my screening certificate?

Once Public Health has issued you with the School Health Screening Certificate, you need to take this to the school your child will enter.

How do I include my child's vaccination status?

A vaccination review is conducted as part of the School Health Checks process. If you child is missing any key ones, they will need to catch up so that the submitted screening form confirms the full vaccination status of you child.

What vaccinations are required?

Vaccination status as part of the school health screening programme is based on the Cayman Islands Childhood Immunisation Schedule 2024

Are School Checks covered by my insurance?

The school health check is part of the Public Health programme towards health and wellness, and so tends to come from the wellness component of insurance. However, every plan is different and it depends on what has already been used. We can always check for you and advise accordingly.

Can I have the school health check for free?

Yes! Free school health checks are taking place at the district health centers from the 3rd to the 27th of June 2024 for those entering schools in West Bay and the Eastern districts, and for all other students, they will be at John Gray High School Medical Centre in the nurse’s office, from 3rd July to 16th August 2024.

Private paediatricians will charge their normal fees.

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School Health Check Booking Form

Please complete and submit the form below to book our School Health Checks Service. We do appreciate that the request is often urgent. We can assure you we will respond swiflty and make it work!

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Child's Name
Use format: YYYY-MM-DD
Please provide the desired day and time and we'll get as close as possible