As an experienced paediatrician and neonatologist, I’ve had the privilege of welcoming thousands of babies into the world. I have seen first-hand the excitement, anticipation, and sometimes anxiety that comes with birth, particularly for first-time mums. Every mother...
Understanding Nappy Rash and How to Prevent It Nappy rash (or diaper rash) is a common condition that affects both babies and infants. It typically appears as red, inflamed patches or rashes on the skin in areas where a nappy is worn (e.g., the buttocks, thighs, and...
The Many Titles of a Children’s Doctor in Cayman Hi there! I’m Dr. Sara Watkin, a Paediatrician in Cayman, or Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist at Optimal Healthcare Ltd to be more exact, and I want to talk to you about something that often causes...
As a consultant paediatrician and neonatologist, I’m often asked how to determine who the best or top paediatrician in Cayman might be. It’s a question that I believe parents should carefully consider when seeking the best possible paediatric care for their children....
Recognising Childhood Cancers: Signs, Symptoms & Key Facts Parents Should Know Dr. Sara Watkin, Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist at Optimal Healthcare Ltd Each year, across the world, thousands of families face the unimaginable: a diagnosis of...