Fancy a Free Gala Ticket?

Written By Dr. Sara Watkin

We’d love for you to join us!

In fact, so much, we’re supporting this amazing event by offering to match your ticket purchase with one on us.

Logo for Optimal Healthcare, Paediatric and Newborn Healthcare Clinic in the Cayman Islands

Cayman Heart Foundation Sunset Gala 2024

14th June 2024

Kimpton Seafire Resort & Spa

Kimpton Beach Deck

6.30pm until 11.30pm

The Sunset Gala is an amazing event and one very dear to our own hearts given our focus on optimal health. Yes it is to raise funds for this extremely important cause but first and foremost it is an event for people to engage, mingle, drink, eat fine food, listen to amazing music and dance, hence its title: Hearts in Motion.

So, Optimal Healthcare invites you to attend partly ‘on us’. For each ticket you purchase, we’ll match it with a supported ticket*. That means a beautiful romantic evening for two in an amazing setting for just $175 USD per couple. Or, a table for ten at an amazing $875 USD – be the ‘da bomb’ amongst your friends.

Event highlights:

  • Drinks Reception to the sound of Sarah Newman on Violin
  • Exceptional Dinner accompanied by the chilled out vibe of Dan Ebanks
  • Dancing by the ocean to the DJ skills and soft words of Chuck Taylor
  • Dress in Caribbean Chic, with perhaps a hint of red
  • Come with a friend, as couples, or a few and find new friends
  • Organise a table, of either 8 or 10 persons
    (with half of it on us!)
  • Special hotel rates available to make a night or even a staycation out of it.

The tickets for this incredible event are equally incredible at just $175 USD per person, inclusive of all the above. This is an incredibly great value price when considering a drinks reception, wonderful food, live music and entertainment until late.

* Optimal Healthcare Ltd will add a ticket for each one you pay for but there is a cap on overall how many we can support. This means we’ll be offering them on a first come, first served basis.

YES! You can bring your friends and family, and make an amazing special evening at what will be a chance of the year price for such a special night!

Let’s Book Your Tickets!

Simply complete the booking form below and we’ll handle the rest!

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Customer Information


Participant Information

If you don't know at this point, just say so and we'll generate tickets as Smith Guest 1, Smith Guest 2 etc.
The full price of a ticket is $175 USD. To simplify the payment process and ensure we get the correct number of attendees, you'll be charged $87.50 USD for every ticket i.e. the same as $175 USD for half the tickets. We'll add the rest of the funding when we book the tickets with the CHF.


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