
Our Cayman Islands Paediatricians

We’re delighted to introduce you to pour wonderful paediatricians here in the Cayman Islands, collectively representing an incredible body of experience across the full range of paediatric disciplines.

Dr Sara Watkin

Dr Sara Watkin

MB ChB, MRCP (paeds), FRCPCH, MD

Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist with over 30 years’ experience.

Feedback on our Paediatricians

Paediatric Services Provided by our Paediatricians

Paediatricians perform many roles and so we have broken these down into the typical 8 domains of paediatric care we provide here in the Cayman Islands.

Baby receiving neonatal care in an incubator

Newborn & Neonatal Care

Young baby enjoying some tummy time

Early Life Care (1st Year Care)

Young girl undergoing an examination by a  paediatrician using an otoscope

General Paediatrics (to 18 Years)

Boy receives his vaccination as part of his well-child appointment

Development & Well Child Services

Young body with autism showing disinterest

Neurodiversity & Behaviour

Young girl with Down Syndrome enjoying playing

Complex Medical Care

Girl with an allergic condition using a nebulizer

⁠Immunology, Allergies & Infections

Girl admitted to hospital for observation

Hospital & Urgent Care

Image of Dr Sara Watkin Paediatrician and Neonatologist in the Cayman Islands

Choosing Cayman Islands Paediatricians

I am Dr Sara Watkin, Paediatrician & Neonatologist at Optimal Healthcare and I have long been an advocate that parents should choose a paediatrician they feel they can be with throughout their child’s time in the Cayman Islands. The more we get to know your child, the better we are at helping them thrive. I encourage all of my parents to visit as many paediatricians as they need to in order to get that right. Different things are important to different families. I am known for my empathy and relationship with the children, and for having a proper formal accreditation in neonatal medicine alongside my paediatrics.